The activities of the ASSOCIATION FOR TRANSPORT, FREIGHT FORWARDING AND LOGISTICS ORGANIZATIONS IN UKRAINE «UKRZOVNISHTRANS» are carried out in accordance with the industry principle and comply with the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine and the Association Charter.
Association's Vision: Leadership in the international market, assistance in uniting freight forwarders, fair competition between market players, sharing business experience, applying the principle of competition-to-partnership transition, simplifying international trade procedures aimed at achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, guided by the principles of the UN Global Compact and the requirements of standards and technical regulations.
Association's Mission: Compliance with and improvement of freight forwarding business standards.
Association's Objectives:
1. Trade facilitation:
- Proposals for improving legislation.
- Proposals on the application of tariffs based on the interests of the Association Members
- Participation in international trade facilitation programs and the introduction of electronic data exchange.
2. Vocational training:
- Arrangement and running of seminars, meetings, conferences, forums, consultations, round tables, including international ones.
- Development of certification standards (voluntary and mandatory certification).
- Updating the training programs that meet the FIATA Minimum Standards every four years.
- Provision of analytical, reference-methodological and other kind of information and consultations on the international and national law.
3. FIATA Documents and Forms:
- Promotion of FIATA Documents.
- Practical application of FIATA Documents and Forms.
4. National and international cooperation:
- Respect of UN Global Compact provisions.
- Representation and protection of the Association Members' interests in international organizations, state authorities and local self-government agencies.
- Facilitate the access of the Association Members to the international markets through participation in the work of FIATA, UNWTO, the United Nations Global Compact and other international associations and organizations.